Monday, November 11, 2013

Feet on the Ground, Head in the Air

I'm a touchy-feely sort of person.
But not in the sense that you usually know.
I touch so that I can feel.
It's a little odd.
I almost have to touch and feel to reassure myself that this world is real.
Sometimes I have this overwhelming feeling that I don't belong here, and I just want to fly away, never return.

But then I think of all the people here that I love, and my feet can never leave the ground.

And so I stay.
I laugh
I cry
I feel the pain this world has to offer.

Meanwhile I do my best to document my life here.
with pictures
with drawings
with paintings
with words
with ideas
I love having my eyes opened.
I notice things like sun roasted wrinkles and hair died tangerine orange,
The way people in love act
towards each other
So here I am, feet on the ground, head in the air

here to tell stories
miss maren lee

1 comment:

  1. I love that second picture! and I love the stories you have to tell!
