Friday, August 2, 2013

When Life Gives You Lemons..

I hope you enjoy this picture, it just makes me entirely too happy. Haha, I feel like it explains my personality all too well :)
And I've realized, I just love being me. Quirky, unique, weird, silly, happy, crazy, colorful, creative me.
I love my eyes, my hair, my clothes, my body, my dimples..
And not in an egocentric sort of way, just in a way that I'm trying to be thankful for what I have and not cut myself short.
This week I think the biggest lesson I've learned is that everything happens for a reason.
All the while that we're roaming down the twists and turns that life brings us, we may not know where we're headed, but Heavenly Father does.
And why would we NOT seek the council from one who knows all?
He has the perfect view from above.
Our perspective is so microscopic in comparison to his, yet we too often rely on our on judgment, or the world's.
And in hard times we cannot forget that he is there for us.
I read an Ensign article by Elder Uchtdorf entitled "Walking in Circles" this week. The whole premise is based on a social experiment where people were set in a desert with one instruction: walk in a straight line. Some walked during the day, some at night. Those who walked during the say and were able to keep a relatively steady path, yet those who did not have the sun walked in circles. At times they even crossed their own paths without knowing it.
Through this parable of sorts, Uchtdorf explains that we need to find "spiritual landmarks" in our lives that keep us on the right path. Such landmarks can be found through good friends, parents, church leaders, the Spirit, and most importantly our Lord Jesus the Christ.
Otherwise we are doomed to wander..
But not all who wander are lost :)
I'm also very grateful for those in my life I can turn to for consolation and advice. Sometimes all you need to do is just talk it out. Especially in my case where I tend to hold everything in until it just comes bursting out...
hoping all works out
miss maren lee

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