Friday, August 16, 2013

Adventure Time :)

Well, this has been crazy. That's the only way I can describe it! My summer term has come to an end. We finished clearing out the apartment, and I have my flight home tomorrow :)
 This has been a hectic experience, but I'm so very grateful for it. And the best news is I get to come back in two weeks and continue the adventure!
Highlights of the Summer:
-Finally pulling an all nighter! And topping it off with I-HOP at 5:00 in the morning
-WBG: Wyview Bike Gang
- Graham Canyon Ice Cream. Enough Said.
-Jump on It Trampoline Park
-Swimming at the Glenhood
-20's themed BYU dance. Danced for 4 hours straight. so. much. fun.
-Being taught how to play Black Ops.
-Bowling at midnight and totally dominating in the first round! crushed it.
-Mean Girls and Pitch Perfect References 24/7
-Photography Fieldtrip in downtown Provo at 6:00 in the morning
-Hiking a waterfall
-Snapchat Danceoffs... oh dear... the wall twerk emerges...
-Being absolutely insane with my roommate, and discovering that we're basically the same person.
-Walks around Wyview at 2:00 in the morning
I also met some pretty great people :)
1. Rylie :)

This girl here was one of my two roommates, and she's absolutely hilarious. She was always making me laugh!! Rylie was from Ohio, so everytime she got angry or sassy her accent would pop out. After spending so much time with her you could hear a little twinge of accent in my voice too. Rylie and I could just be weird together. haha. Way too often we would pause and be like "what the heck are we doing??".. Rylie is freaking gorgeous. All the boys love her ;) Sadly Rylie is moving to BYU Idaho so I probably wont get to see her much anymore :( But she says I'm invited to her wedding, maybe she'll make me a bridesmaid haha
2. Tyler
Tyler is basically the reason I made it though summer semester.. Every time I needed to vent he'd always find a way to make me feel better. When you first meet Tyler he seems like the typical jock. But after getting to know him better you realize there's more to him, which is rather refreshing :) 
But Tyler and I friendzoned each other almost from the start haha. He's got a good sense of humor, and our relationship basically consists of teasing each other 24/7.
He leaves on his mission in two months to serve in Texas!
3. Edison!
Edison is basically like my mama :) she took care of me when I was sick, cooked for me, helped me clean, gave me great advice :) Edison is the girl who knows EVERYONE. She makes an effort to remember people's names, and makes them all feel included. Its a special talent of hers. Edison is from Arizona and is super sporty. She's awesome at basketball and easily parallels the boys when they play. ;)
Edison will be here in the fall, but plans on going on a mission once she turns 19 :)
4. The boysss
Stephen, Connor, Dallas, Clint, Tyler, and Cameron.
There was never a dull moment with these guys. Well.. Almost Never. Their favorite pastime is their video games. Cant find the boys? They're probably at Dallas's playing Halo. or Black Ops. etc..
Haha, besides that, they were always doing something crazy.
Stephen liked to pride himself in saying he corrupted me haha.
Connor was the one with the HUGE ego.
Dallas was the one with the TV. (and the one who's never kissed a girl..)
Clint was the reasonable one who liked to make sure we never broke the honor code.
Cameron was the late addition to the group.
and Tyler is still Tyler, ha.
Anyways, its been fun. I get to go home for a week, and I'm super happy about that :)
Then I'll be back at BYU to meet new people and continue this new college life :)
expecting much for the future..
miss maren lee

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